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The registration fee covers:

  •  Secondary Insurance - For your child while he/she is involved in scheduled activities at Gospel Projects Park including official games or practices.  This however does not cover parents, visitors or spectators at any of our facilities.  This coverage only applies to Baseball, Summer Camp, and Soccer.  If you have primary insurance you must disclose that information to the medical authorities treating your child.  Failure to do so may result in your child not being covered by our secondary insurance.  As a secondary coverage it will help defray costs that your primary carrier will not cover. Please be aware that you will be responsible for the $100.00 deductible that will be assessed when this coverage is utilized.

  • Officials - Umpires, scorekeepers, and park officials who oversee the programs.

  • Field Maintenance - Field preparation and maintenance of the facilities.

  • Equipment - Balls, bats, bases, helmets, pitching machines, utilities, etc. (ball gloves not provided)

  • Participation Trophies, Awards, and Certificates.


  • Brothers and sisters are put on the same team.  (If last names are different, please inform us.)

  • Managers', coaches', and sponsors' children are assigned to their parents' teams.

  • Normally players play within their own age group; however, ability is more important than age at this level, and players who are older may be assigned to leagues whose players are younger.  Exceptions are handled on a case by case basis with the league commissioner. Once a player is assigned to a team within a league that player will remain on that team until he or she moves up to another league.

  • Exceptions: If a player's parent becomes a manager or sponsor of another team within the same league or different league.

  • If expansion teams are needed and some previously assigned players are transferred to an expansion league (with their approval).

  • Mistakes made by the Player-Agent as to team assignment such as: League age, sponsor's children, brothers and sisters, etc.

  • If a player chooses and is approved by the commissioner to play down with a younger age league, that player must be put back into the draft for the younger league rather than remain on the roster of last year's team.

  • The system for assigning players to a team is the Draft System, which is held following the last scheduled practice session.


If your child's birthday comes before May 1st, he or she will play as of the age that he or she will be on April 30th.


  • Rule A.     A manager and a designated coach are assigned to each team before the draft, if possible.  After the draft, the manager may appoint two other assistant coaches from among the parents of players assigned to the team.  Only four shirts and hats are provided to each team for adults; one manager, and three coaches.  (Exception: Soccer, one manager and one coach)

  • Rule B.     Mini-Round Draft     (Only used by the park commissioner if needed to bring balance to a league)    Our endeavor is to have teams evenly divided as much as possible in a fair draft setting.  If a team or number of teams do not have an average number of players compared to other teams within the same league, a mini-round draft is held prior to the main draft.  Teams that do not have an average number of players will draft according to Rule C.  Once a team reaches the average number of players, that team will then drop out of the mini-round.  Once the mini-round is concluded the main round will begin according to the rules established in Rule C.

  • Rule C.     Main Draft     The team with the worst record from last year has the opportunity to draft first;  the team with the next worst record draft next, and so on down the line until all teams have drafted (the team with the best record last year drafts last).  The order of draft then reverses with the team drafting last in the first round drafting first in the second round.

  • Rule D.     Each team, so far as possible, must have the same number of players form each age group when the draft is complete.  When a team reaches its allowed number of players from any given age group, they must drop out of the draft until the next age group is drafted.  The number allowed per team for any age group is determined by dividing the number of players registered in that age group by the number of teams in the league. 

  • Rule E.     When a team reaches the total number of players allowed (usually 12 or 13), then they must drop out of the draft rotation.  The number of returning players from the previous year will determine how soon a team completes its allowed number of players.

    Following the Draft, no player may be transferred from one team or league to another without written permission of the commissioner of Gospel Projects YAC.


Parents who are interested in coaching or managing a ball team should contact the Park Director.  Persons involved with alcohol or drugs, or who have a record of past problems working with youth programs are not knowingly accepted as Managers or Coaches.  In like manner, persons with questionable backgrounds, or persons with police records are not accepted if such records are known. Volunteers must submit a completed disclosure form and pass a background check (supplied by GPYAC).


Refund Policy: Gospel Projects, Inc. will give a partial refund of registration fees up to the first team draft date.  There will be a $30.00 office-administrative fee subtracted from each child registered who withdraws.  No refunds will be given after your child’s team draft date.
Returned Check Policy: All returned checks will be subject to a $30.00 returned check fee.  The payment must be made in cash or with a cashier’s check for the amount due plus $30.00.  Upon the receipt of two returned checks, all payments on future transactions will be on a cash basis.
Gospel Projects, Inc. reserves the right to pursue the collection of monies owed to its various businesses through the use of collection agencies or the State’s attorneys office if bad checks have been passed. (revised 01/2024)


Yes, our park and bleachers are tobacco free zones. If you must smoke, we ask that you please go to your personal vehicle.


Pets are not allowed on campus/park grounds. Certified service animals are allowed.


We try to proceed with games as scheduled but park conditions will vary as often as the weather. Watch our Facebook page for real-time updates if the radar shows storm threats. We take weather issues seriously! Safety is more important than a game. Read our policy for LIGHTNING HERE.


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(850) 623-4671 | 8AM-4PM | Mon-Fri


6331 Chestnut St, Milton, FL 32570, USA

©2024 by Gospel Projects Youth Athletic Club

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